The EUROLakes project is divided into 8 Work Packages (WPs), illustrated in the figure below. The work starts with setting project specifications and stakeholder engagement using the 4RF methodology. The activities in WP2 employ impact assessment modeling for case studies in socio-economic transitions and education. WP3 conducts demonstrations in specific lakes in Italy, Romania and Germany, establishing criteria for ongoing monitoring and strategy efficiency. WP4 focuses on socio-economic shifts toward lake restoration through training and sustainable financing strategies while WP5 highlights the transferability and replicability of the restoration methods developed in the earlier work packages.  There are three horizontal work packages, which activities run through the entire life span of the project: Project Management, including financial, risk, and advisory board management, Communication and Dissemination, enhancing project’s outreach and engagement with stakeholders’ communication strategies, plans and tools, and Ethics, which ensures compliance with ethical standards and efficient data management. Each of these groups of activities plays an important role in fostering cooperation and project advancement.

The project flow is attained through a structured sequence of work activities aligned with the 4 Returns Framework (4RF). It begins with the formation of local communities of practice at each demo lake site, stakeholder engagement and co-development of participatory P&R strategies, ensuring alignment through trainings and collaboration. During the impact assessment through advanced modeling tools, digital twins and integrated water models are created to simulate ecosystem effects. Then, some selected NBS for P&R are demonstrated at specific lake sites, applying an adaptive management approach. The essential aspect of financial sustainability is addressed through economic valuation and identification of nature financing opportunities. To enable broader replication, a cascade funding process selects third parties for implementing scaled-up activities. The project management oversees the project’s overall implementation in accordance with the set objectives and timelines while dedicated efforts in communication and dissemination support project’s visibility, promote basin wide restoration, and inform policy processes related to P&R.  Ethical principles of inclusivity and sustainability are also maintained throughout the entire lifetime of the project.

Create a collaborative network of individuals, organizations and stakeholders who share a common interest in preserving and enhancing the health and sustainability of natural lakes. Engage them in a holistic approach to restoring and protecting natural lakes through a co-creation of comprehensive sustainable management strategies using the 4RF in combination with PMCA.  

The primary objective is to provide several impact assessment modelling tools and apply them to the lake case study areas. It further aims to support the long-term socio-economic transition for lake P&R measures design by informing scientists and stakeholders about the potential impacts of socio-economic, climate and management changes. It will be explored how different combination scenarios of climate, socioeconomics and management will affect water quality, water quality and biodiversity.

This work package aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of P&R measures applied at the landscape level, utilizing the 4RF and a PMCA analysis perspective. The adopted integrated approach considers ecological and social conditions, governance, as well as financial and economic perspectives. The three demo lakes are Vico in Italy, Bistret in Romania and Dummer in Germany.

The main objective is to enable the long-term socio-economic transition for lake restoration through the delivery of training and capacity on ecosystem services valuation, and identification of sustainable financing opportunities at landscape-scale.

Prove the applicability of the restoration approaches demonstrated to other lake landscapes in WP2- 4, bridge the gap between science and implementation to improve the evidence-based restoration and protection of lakes and wetlands, and safeguard the lessons learned regarding inspiration, as well as social, natural and financial returns (4RF-methodology).

This work package focuses on ensuring effective project delivery through robust management structures and procedures. It provides monitoring and risk management, guaranteeing quality and timely reporting. Additionally, it fosters collaboration and communication among partners, facilitating idea exchange and organized activities.

Maximise the project’s visibility, support engagement of stakeholder groups in a continuous dialogue, raise awareness of the project and its topics among the wider public, and promote the activities, tools and outcomes of the project, through a series of communication and dissemination strategies and tools.

To foster Responsible Research and Innovation and ESG adherence by ensuring compliance with ethical requirements, ESG frameworks and effective data management strategies.