EUROLakes project presented at Seenfachtagung in Berlin

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Just a month after its kick-off, EUROLakes project was presented at the Lakes Conference (Seenfachtagung) which was held in Berlin on November 14, 2024. The event was organized by the Global Nature Fund (GNF), the Living Lakes Network Germany, the Green Liga and NABU. It brought together over 70 participants from different parts of Germany and had the objective to strengthen the focus on the valuable habitats of lakes, wetlands and their catchment areas while exploring what can be done to ensure their good ecological condition. The main topic of protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems was further enhanced with perspectives for climate-adapted measures and specific project examples.

The EUROLakes project was presented in the late afternoon by our consortium member Frank Apffelstaedt, Naturschutzring Dümmer, through the lens of one of the demonstration sites –  Lake Dümmer located in North Germany. Restoration measures will be applied to improve the ecological health of the lake and protect its natural resources and biodiversity.

More information about the conference could be found on GNF’s website: